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Drug Discovery Autism

United State National Institutes of Health examined the use of drugs GRN-529 to reduce the common symptoms that are often shown by people living with autism. The drug may help brain cells communicate two with each other.

Although had been circulating the notion that autism is a disorder that can not be addressed with medication, researchers believe that the use of these drugs can reduce the symptoms of autism. How, by seeking to brain cells communicate at synapses - the gaps between the cells of the human brain.

The test performed on behaving rats with autism - is in contrast to mice that did develop autism. "Autistic mice" lacking in terms of socialization and communication with other mice. They also spend a lot of time to perform activities related to repeated himself.

Once injected, the rats showed a better behavior. Such as reducing the repetitive activity and demonstrate the improvement in the social level. The researchers believe these findings enhance the chances of the drug can be used in the treatment of autism.

"Given the high cost, both in money and emotional, to families, schools and health care system, we hope the series can meet the needs of drugs that address the underlying symptoms," said Dr. Jacqueline Crawley, one of the researchers from the National Institute of Mental Health.

Uta Frith, professor of cognitive development from University College London said: "The processes at synapses has long been suspected as the origin of autism."

The study, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine is even showing positive symptoms in mice, not simply be applied to humans. It took a long time and a series of further research to test its feasibility in humans. In fact rarely even fail a drug applied to humans even if successful in animals.

Autistic behaviors known to affect 1 percent of the children. The scale varies from mild to severe. Symptoms range from social constraints, language barriers, and like to repeat as mengetukan hand movements. So far, people with autism treated through special education such as speech and behavioral therapy.

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